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Collaboration in Circles

Zherin Literte

How would you like to meet and have fun with people who share similar interest while you develop the skills that will benefit you for life?

Technological advancements continue to bring people together in the art of creating, recording and performing music together. My years of experience teaching music to students of different ages, culture and background inspired me to share how collaboration promoted a wealth of learning for all. Words are few to describe the joy of seeing how they are learning and how they become after.

I do believe that skills are meant to be explicitly taught and supported on. With adequate opportunities and trainings, anyone would be able to develop these skills. Learning a skill, like playing the piano or any instrument generally develops more connections not only in the areas of thinking but establishing social relationships as well.

Benefits of Collaborative Experiences

1. Develops Social Skills

Teaching students in several types of musical groups gave me the opportunities to see how friendships start and grow through regular practice sessions. These sessions provide a venue for students to not only learn, but also enjoy the fun moments with each other before, during or even after sessions. Practice sessions become a time to look forward to rather than a routine that is part of their task or day.

Both introvert and extrovert students are given different ways to grow. While the extrovert leads while learning to listen, the introvert listens while learning how to lead. This dynamic is embedded in a well-arranged musical pieces for several instruments or parts. Unconsciously , this art of communicating and expressing is transferred in their daily life practices of managing relationships.

2. Builds Self-Confidence

As students become comfortable and secured within their group, they are most likely to open up and share what they can do. This sense of trust allows anyone to take risks without feeling too anxious over making mistakes.

Collaborative sessions need to be managed with mindfulness of individual differences so everyone could benefit from the opportunity.

3. Promotes Interest, Motivation & Healthy Competition

The environment continues to play an important role in nurturing what we have. Regardless of age, we know how our friends or community can support us in times when we need to dream, hope and persevere. There is something in peer pressure that can naturally drive us to cope or be better at where we are at.

Good teaching strategies can significantly fire up that positive energy wherein each one influences and commits to succeed.

4. It is FUN!

At the brink of quitting music lessons? Why not try learning with other students like you? Having experienced this as a student and as a teacher, my collaborative journey brought me into the circles of life.


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